Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Written by Lara Fuhrer | Reviewed by Melissa Sirolli RDN, CDN, CNSC, CLT

The trend for eating locally sourced food is on a rise especially during the harvest months of June-November. Farmer’s markets pop up all over during the summer and fall with an abundance of fresh produce. Even some grocery stores carry local fruits and vegetables to sell to patrons.  Alongside the growing movement to eat locally is the increase in Community Shared Agriculture (CSA), which help to make eating local possible and accessible.

What is CSA?

Here in New York City our access to locally grown produce is limited as we are in an urban environment. Community Supported Agriculture provides us access to fresh produce that is locally grown in nearby communities outside of the city.

How can I partake?

Getting involved is easy! Many neighborhoods have a set convenient drop-off location for farmers to deliver the produce. Members purchase shares of fresh produce from a regional farmer and the farmer delivers your share of produce to the drop-off location. Pick-ups are typically weekly or bi-weekly from June-October.

What are some benefits of CSA?

 CSA not only provide fresh food, but often offer an intimate relationship with the farm and farmer with whom one purchases the food from. CSA not only provides the understanding to know where exactly our food is coming from, but how it is growing and how the land is treated and/or animals are treated. Being a member of Community Support Agriculture allows us access to the best of the best that a farmer has to offer.

What is the cost and what will I be receiving?

The cost varies per CSA, but the relative pricing is around $450-$650 for the entire harvest season. A CSA share contains about 7-10 types of vegetables depending on what is in season.

Community Supported Agriculture is a great way to get involved in your local community and allows us to eat fresh produce grown nearby!

Check out this website to find a CSA near you:
