MRT Test - We Test Not Guess


MRT Test - We Test Not Guess

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Ever wondered why certain foods might not sit well with you? Let's dive into the world of food sensitivity and introduce a game-changer: the Mediator Release Test (MRT)!

🤔 Understanding Food Sensitivity: Our bodies are unique, and sometimes they react to certain foods in ways that leave us feeling not-so-great. This happens when our immune system responds to specific foods, causing issues like digestive discomfort, headaches, or other unwelcome symptoms.

🌈 Benefits of the MRT Test: Now, let's talk about the MRT Test – This test helps us uncover which foods might be triggering those not-so-pleasant feelings. Here is why we recommend this test:

  1. 🎯 Personalized Insights: The MRT Test analyzes how your body responds to different foods, providing personalized insights into what might be causing discomfort.

  2. 🍏 Extensive Food Check: The test examines 176 different foods, chemicals and additives helping you understand which ones your body loves and which ones might be causing trouble.

  3. 🚀 Craft Your Wellness Plan: Equipped with your MRT results, you get a custom tailored plan just for you. It's like having a roadmap to feeling your absolute best!

  4. 💉 Convenient Blood Draw: Experience the convenience of receiving your blood draw kit at an address of your choice and receiving an Oxford Labs sponsored Draw Locator. The Draw Locator has hundreds of independent draw locations across the country to draw blood for MRT. Find an independent draw site staffed with trained and certified phlebotomist near you.

So, if you've ever questioned why certain foods don't agree with you, the MRT Test could hold the answers. It's all about discovering your unique path to optimal well-being!

*Nutrition visits are in addition to. Most commercial insurance plans have nutrition benefits. Call our office to discuss the nutrition insurance script. We recommend at least 3 nutrition visits to review and implement the MRT-LEAP protocol.

We are pleased to offer the option of paying for the MRT test in two equal installment payments for your convenience too. Please call our office to discuss further.

This test maybe eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement.

Afterpay | Pay in 4 | Interest Free is available too.