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November Seasonal Recipe: Acorn Squash


November Seasonal Recipe: Acorn Squash

Acorn squash, a small variety of winter squash, is in season October through December and is named for its resemblance to a large acorn. Like other winter squash, such as spaghetti and butternut squash, acorn squash is considered to be more nutrient-dense than summer squash.


Main Article: Have a Healthy Holiday Season


Main Article: Have a Healthy Holiday Season

Keep gratitude in mind this holiday season. Remember all you are thankful for. Savor each 

bite of food and enjoy each moment spent with your loved ones. And always remember to 

think of your accomplishments as well as who helped you achieve them. Happy Holidays!


True or False: Coffee is bad and should be avoided.


True or False: Coffee is bad and should be avoided.

Good news for coffee lovers, this is false! Coffee has been consumed for generations and can provide us with great health benefits when consumed in moderation. Research shows that coffee drinkers reduce their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.


Nutrition Trend:  Batch Cooking


Nutrition Trend: Batch Cooking

In our busy, time obsessed culture we are always looking for ways to save time and cut corners.  Recently batch cooking, also known as meal prep, has become a popular way to minimize time spent preparing meals throughout the week.
